Bibliothekarische Stimmen. Independent, täglich.

16. Juni 2017
von Elisabeth Steiger
Kommentare deaktiviert für „Drei Fragen an…“ Liam Wyatt – Vorschau Offene Archive 2.3 (16)

„Drei Fragen an…“ Liam Wyatt – Vorschau Offene Archive 2.3 (16)

Frage 1: Classifications are familiar to all archivists: How would you describe yourself in three creative hashtags? Liam Wyatt: #PeaceLove&Metadata  #GLAMWiki  #AustraliaEurope Frage 2: Archivists belong to a rare species often associated with a life of windowless stack-rooms and complex access rights: How do you perceive the contact to archives, what do you enjoy, what bothers you? Liam Wyatt: My perception of contact with reference desk enquiries at archives is in two different forms… 1. If I make a request through the official system: I must register … „Drei Fragen an…“ Liam Wyatt – Vorschau Offene Archive 2.3 (16) weiterlesen